Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A mid summer's eve

Desert king and Marseilles white figs, Chesterberry black berry, duke blueberry, thornless Logan berry and seascape strawberries 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Eweb replaced our water shut off valves.

For 10 years we've been in this house. Turning of the water has always been challenging. It was usually under mud and water and the street side shut off wouldn't budge and our side had a gate valve that was to close to the box to have a handle so it was a sharp nub you had to turn 1/8th at a time with a tiny set of channel locks. No longer!  Didn't get the final pictures as the baby woke up but they show most of it, the removed the house side valve and closed the gap with a couple and some nipples. 

They froze the pipe with carbon dioxide.