Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A dish of spring with a dash of rain & clouds

Spring is here with summer around the corner! My husband and I have joined One Local Summer and with that comes the challenge of creating and cooking delightfully fabulous local meals. We will play more than usual to create, grow, and eat! 

We have decided to document our little piece of paradise. Looking through past photos we realize how much has changed in our yard. The garden beds are full, a bit crazy with arugula, but compared to their first day, green with life, not brown with dirt. Thought dirt is a lovely mix of compost, life & love, and worms....

Now the yard is in blooming with life, the hostas are popping with color, flowers are out, the dahlias are leafing out, and the forget-me-nots are crazy as ever!! I'll upload photos for before & after...wait! I can't forget the buckets of potatoes we're patiently waiting to taste later this summer...