Friday, June 19, 2009

Strawberry Harvest Begins

We began the strawberry harvest a few weeks ago and are now in full throttle. Strawberry jam later this weekend and a few with rhubarb from the garden.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The newest members to our household! 7 Ancona ducklings, 3 days old on Saturday. Only a few will stay with us and make our yard their home. Friends will raise a few on their property, soon we need to decide which ducklings will live with us. 

Saturday, June 13, 2009

First strawberries of the season and potatoes. I was a bit crazy grilling small potatoes on the grill. A lack of foil or brainstorming another idea resulted in char grilled potatoes. We still enjoyed!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spring Fling

holy is well into spring and almost summer! We dream of ducks. For our 10 year anniversary (yes, together ten, married two) we decided this would be our gift to one another. We have been shopping for ducks and after visiting online and viewing pictures of a Seattle duck blogger, who can resist?

In our future is an adventure waiting to happen, Lebonon or Corvallis or Eugene for ducks? Time will only tell within the next few days. As I cook a tasty picnic dinner of grilled zuccs, potatoes from the garden, strawberry shortcake baking, burgers, and Fishtail Ale to complete it...D. is busy making noise, drilling, sawing- building a duck house and tractor. How time flies....

The yard is shaping up and numerous happenings with a new macro-lense this year..