Monday, December 15, 2008

Summer's Past

What began as a grand idea to document our adventures in our yard, garden treats, and community eats, became a distant idea. The summer season suddenly became very busy and ticked along in a summerly fashion filled with long days spending as much time outside as possible. Little of my mind wandered to the computer, alas the lack of blog upkeep. I've decided now is the time to check the blogosphere, and continue posting. New year's resolution perhaps, though I have never spent much time paying much attention to resolutions. I am determined to do this blog-thing, from start to finish. 

Summer was filled with many adventures inside and outside. We were busy making pickles, anti pasta veggies, salsa, strawberry jam, drying Italian prunes, tomatoes, and herbs, and freezing green beans . With winter upon us, we are eating a variety of food from our garden and urban scavenging adventures. Our little dog Solo continues to watch over the yard, mine for squirrels, and monitor the fence line for four-legged invaders. 

Monday, August 11, 2008


12 pickles, 8 pints
green & crisp
from our garden, planted seed from last year's cucumbers!
D. read somewhere that soaking in ice-water creates crisper pickles, so we did. I ate a cuc slice post ice-water soak, and it was rather crisp.  So we shall see if this ice-water does have a little magic to it.  

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Planting continues

Sweet peas planted! Last year we had an abundance of sweet peas and discovered how much we love them. This year we plan to spread the wealth of the flowers and plant throughout the front and backyard. In past summers we've given vegetables and flowers to our neighbors, Tex and Mary, and will continue doing so this summer. Last year we spent time with Mary, and learned about her English upbringing and her passion for flowers. Giving her a bouquet of sweet peas gave her a such a sweet smile, which only made Tex happier! We will wait with anticipation for the sweet peas to bloom. We received black mondo grass, so D. spent time splitting and planting in small pots. Later this month we will decide where to plant the grass, along with rhododendrons, bleeding heart, and numerous hostas. We are anticipating summer warmth for our veggies, and will soon eat the rhubarb!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Starting simply...

Tonight we officially began the One Local Summer challenge, and with the hectic week behind us, we were lucky for tonight's meal. A garden salad with arugula, red lettuce, radishes, and green onion; salmon from a friend, and a delicious (first of the summer season) homemade rhubarb pie! Unfortunately being new to the blog world and OLS, I'm working on remembering to document our meals with pictures. I remembered the salad, but alas my stomach took over, and we ate the food before there was a thought to take a pic. Next time I will remember. 

The lucky part was having dinner at my parent's house, and a majority of the meal cooked by my parents. I presumed this counts for OLS, but I wonder, does it count if you go to someone else's house and they happen to cook local? Or is it like going to a restaurant in a sense, but then on the flip side, it was family. That should count for something, right? 

This week also brought our first strawberry (seascape everbearing) of the season! Hip, hip, hoorah! The potato barrels are in the midst of their second topping off.  I believe D and I are both having potato dreams, and think about when they'll be ready to grill, bake, saute, cream, and eat! So until next weekend, more loads of compost will be moved for the potatoes and garden beds for topping off. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A dish of spring with a dash of rain & clouds

Spring is here with summer around the corner! My husband and I have joined One Local Summer and with that comes the challenge of creating and cooking delightfully fabulous local meals. We will play more than usual to create, grow, and eat! 

We have decided to document our little piece of paradise. Looking through past photos we realize how much has changed in our yard. The garden beds are full, a bit crazy with arugula, but compared to their first day, green with life, not brown with dirt. Thought dirt is a lovely mix of compost, life & love, and worms....

Now the yard is in blooming with life, the hostas are popping with color, flowers are out, the dahlias are leafing out, and the forget-me-nots are crazy as ever!! I'll upload photos for before & after...wait! I can't forget the buckets of potatoes we're patiently waiting to taste later this summer...